Confronting the harm of housing discrimination
Homes for Equity collaborators completed The Past is Not Past: Confronting the Legacy of Housing Discrimination in Roxbury, a two-part series on both ends of Fair Housing Month exploring homebuying discrimination.
The Boston Globe: Roxbury community members discuss racism, housing discrimination
Aching for A Home: Stories of Homebuying Discrimination in Roxbury, shared the stories gathered from the lived experiences of Roxbury residents and discussed how to make it right in the community.
Announcing the First FEAHD Cohort
We’re thrilled to welcome the inaugural cohort of the Fellowship for Equitable Affordable Housing Development (FEAHD). These Fellows will work at CDCs across Massachusetts for the next two years, benefitting from on-the-job training and mentorship that will prepare them for careers in real estate development.
CHAPA Fair Housing Symposium
Thank you CHAPA for the opportunity to share info about OppCo's Homes for Equity initiative at the Fair Housing Symposium. The presentation by Maria Latimore and Neenah Estrella-Luna starts at 16:50.
Welcoming Our New CEO
We are thrilled to share that Kathy McGilvray joined the team in March 2023, as OppCo’s new CEO.
2022 OppCo Annual Report
Learn more about the innovative programs we’re developing to change the way community development work is done.
OppCo Member Nuestra Comunidad awarded a national EPA Phoenix Award
OppCo member, Nuestra Comunidad wins the EPA’s Phoenix Award for the redevelopment of Bartlett Station, one of ten awardees selected nationwide.
North Shore CDC Joins as OppCo’s Third Member
OppCo is thrilled to announce that the North Shore CDC is our third organizational member. North Shore CDC is a trusted community-based partner headquartered in Salem. Under the leadership of Mickey Northcut and an amazing team, North Shore CDC is poised for growth. We at OppCo are excited to support them on their journey. Welcome, NSCDC!
OppCo CEO, Ann Houston, announces her plan to retire
OppCo’s founding CEO, Ann Houston, announces her plan to retire at the end of 2022.

Download OppCo’s annual reports