Family Enrichment Opportunities


Build new skills, support your children’s learning, and get a FREE computer with internet access!

TND and Nuestra tenants can join our FREE online classes!

Every family that needs a computer receives a FREE Chromebook to participate in our online and in-person classes. Topics inculde basic computer skills, student mentoring, English Language Learning, basic business skills, home finance information, housing information, career planning, and even digital art and cooking.

Current Enrichment Programs

Tech Goes Home

Are you and your student interested in learning basic computer skills?

This program includes:

  • 15 hours of classes

  • Free Google Chromebook

  • Apply for free internet access for one year

Students attend this class with a parent, older sibling, or guardian to facilitate learning.

Reading & Homework Buddies

Reading skills are critical for student success.

Our carefully screened volunteers buddy up with your kids to get homework help or to practice reading together on Zoom.

Weekly sessions for students in 1st through 12th grades.

Business Skills

Thinking of starting your own business?

Our one-week business workshop will help you on your way to becoming an entrepreneur.


OppCo is now accepting applications for adult volunteers to remotely tutor and mentor school students in grades four, five, and six.

More than 35% of the 3,778 residents living in OppCo-supported affordable homes are children and adolescents. We are looking for adult volunteers to meet weekly via Zoom with our students, one-on-one, as reading buddies and homework assistance. Your support will help children build their skills and confidence so they can advance their education.

Contact us to learn more.

More enrichments programs are planned! Sign up to get announcements.

Donna Saunders, Program Coordinator
(617) 545-8334

Thank you to the major supporters of our Tenant Enrichment programming.